We at JSD are pretty obsessed with great storytelling. Aristotle believed that persuasion can be learned; he put together a great formula for making stories compelling or to put it differently persuasive and he wanted everyone to have access to it.
He championed the idea that a person’s ability to speak and write well, and to use rhetorical devices to change another’s perspective, could unleash human potential and maximize happiness. While the tools we use to communicate ideas have changed in the past two thousand years, the human brain has not. The same formula that worked then will work now. (Carmine Gallo)
Read the full article here: https://hbr.org/2019/07/the-art-of-persuasion-hasnt-changed-in-2000-years?tpcc=orgsocial_edit&utm_campaign=hbr&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin